
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

day 52. Pop tab earrings with chainmaille on the side

Very busy studying for an exam on thursday, so this was a quick and dirty  (figure of speach ;) )project.

I also re-photographed the chainmaille pop tab earrings for the etsy listing. Did not completly like the first version. They are very hard to photograph nicely, because of the bend surface

You can find them here pop tab chainmaill earrings in tabsolute etsy shop

I also listed the heart shaped pop tab earrings. They were way easier to photograph  in a nice way.

You can find them here heart shaped pop tab earrings in tabsolute etsy shop

1 comment:

  1. Wat maak je mooie dingen zeg! Ik vind de oorbellen helemaal geweldig.
