
Sunday, January 8, 2012

365 project: day 1 of 365 (8 jan)

Got inspired after reading this blog makesomething365 in to doing a 365 project. Because my etsy shop niche is pop tabs I decided to feature pop tabs for a whole year.

What i hope to get out of this:
* inspiration for new pop tab items
* improving my craft skills and learning new techniques
* improving my english
* blogging on a regular basis
* improving my photographing skills
* preserver to  keep doing this for a long period continously

I only have two kind of items in my shop now. Pop tab belts and pop tab bowls. I hope to get inspiration for other items that i like enough to put in my shop.
I also want to improve on photograhing skills. Do this give me the oblication to practice every day.

My first day of 365 I photographed my "main character"

I will use to post the pictures on a daily basis. I will use this blog to comment and tell the story behind them.


  1. What a great project. It sounds like you'll have fun and find a whole lot of inspiration!

  2. wow,I never knew you could make so many things with pop tabs! (that would be a lot of diet coke) Good luck with your 365 day project!
