
Sunday, November 27, 2011

blue and white pop tab belt

The black pop tab belt from the last post sold in a few days after it was listed. I remade this pop tab belt and  made i blue and white version. I like making these belts. Here they are:

Sunday, October 30, 2011

black crochet pop tab belt and pop tab bracelet

Made some new additions to my shop. I redone the my pop tab belt. This time i made it with nylon thread. Much stronger and durable then the cotton yarn i was using the first time. Also i changed the buckle to a two tongue buckle, because it works better with the belt holes. I am also in the process of making a blue an white version of this belt.

Also made a simple pop tab bracelet in 2 sizes 8 1/4 inches and 7 1/4 inches

Thursday, September 29, 2011

pop tab baskets

I have been busy making more baskets and rephotographing them so they look more attractive. I have glad i took the time to do that. I like the photographs of them much more. I used cloth flower petals as props. The green one is going to be my xmas version, just because it is green ;)

I have so many ideas on what i want to make with pop tabs lately, that i started a idea journal. I basically have written done what it is, how it looks and what i a am going to need to make it. I can use it later on to work the ideas out.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

pull tab belt

Finally finished the pull tab belt today. It is crocheted from 208 pull tabs. I used dark blue cotton yarn. It is 39 inches long and 1.7 inches width. I also am planning to make a "large" version of this on, that will be 43 inches. I shot some pictures of it and listed it on etsy.
My next project is a crocheted pull tab bracelet. I already made some test bracelets but did not like the outcome of them.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

21-7-2011 Tutorial matching dog collar and bracelet

When surfing the net i found this tutorial
matching dog collar and bracelt

I has very clear pictures and explanation on how to make it. You have to have some basic knowledge of how to do crochet.

Also changed my profile picture to suit my pull tab love for the moment. Still have to change my shop banner of my etsy shop though. It is still showing swarovski crystals.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

14-7-2011 pull tab and black tye wraps basket

After the success of the first basket with the white tye wraps i decided also to make a black version. Here it is.

The white basket sold after a few days being online in my store. I was asked to cut the long ends from the tye wraps of, so i did. Here is the cut of legs version

Sunday, July 3, 2011

3-7-2011 pull tab and whit tye wrap bowl

I made my own pull tab basket with white Tye wraps. It is made of 97 pull tabs. I took me 3 days of trying, cutting every lose and try again. I shorted my nails by pulling all the Tye wraps by hand. The next time I gonna use some pliers to pull it all. I like how it came out. You can out. I shot some pictures of it and put it in my etsy store. It already made an appearance in etsy treasury. This bowl in etsy treasury :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Sunday, June 19, 2011

pull tab bowl and corset

This look so cool. I want to try it myself
You can find it at pull tab bowl

I found some more beautiful stuff surffing the net
I just love this pull tab corset from The art of can tabistry

19-6-2011 etsy shop up and running again

Finally i got my etsy shop up and running again

I ordered 2000 pull tabs from the USA and put them up in my shop. I put op orders for 100, 250, 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 pull tabs.

Yesterday i ordered crochet yarn from It is bamboo crochet yarn, made of you guessed it, bamboo. I ordered it in the colors white and blue, sizes 3 and 10. I can not wait till it is here. I like to get crafting again. I went to long with out it.